SimpliFine commissions new processing line to increase supply of locally produced French fries
Individual-Quick-Freezing Line will expand the market for Kenyan potato farmers
January 12th 2022… SimpliFine, a Kenyan integrated food producer offering locally sourced and manufactured food products across East Africa, today commissioned its Individual Quick Freezing (“IQF”) processing line. By investing in IQF technology, SimpliFine is expanding its production of fresh French fries to offer frozen French fries, increasing the supply and extending the shelf life of locally produced potatoes. SimpliFine’s technology will expand the market for Kenyan potato farmers and reduce reliance on imported French fries.
“SimpliFine launched its French fry business in March 2021 and has built strong relationships with our local supplier farmers and our customers. We invested in new technology to produce a quality French fry that serves a broader market in Kenya and in the region,” said Steven Carlyon, President of SimpliFine. “We will be launching our frozen French fries later this month and look forward to launching additional frozen fruits and vegetable products in the future.”
The announcement follows three acquisitions in 2021 by SimpliFine’s parent company, BlackIvy: Ennsvalley Bakery, Alpha Fine Foods and a French fry production company based in Naivasha. SimpliFine offers a one-stop shop for customers seeking a range of vegetable, meat and bakery products. The investment in IQF technology reaffirms SimpliFine’s commitment to providing locally sourced, quality fine foods across the region, creating jobs and strengthening the economy. SimpliFine will leverage its affiliate company, BigCold, to provide advanced temperature-controlled supply chain management and operational expertise to ensure safe, quality and affordable food that is locally sourced, manufactured, and delivered to customers.
“SimpliFine is committed to making good food using local ingredients. We are passionate about growing communities by delivering nutritious, quality foods at accessible prices,” added Steven Carlyon, President of SimpliFine. “We are excited to bring technology to Kenya that expands markets for its agricultural products and improve farmers’ livelihoods.”
About SimpliFine
SimpliFine is a food production company offering accessible, locally sourced meat, vegetables, baked goods and other foods to restaurants, hotels, and retailers across East Africa. The sales team of SimpliFine Africa can be reached at +254 20 651 251 and +254 733 786 202 or via
About BlackIvy
BlackIvy is a US-based holding company that builds, operates, and scales businesses that drive long-term growth and resilient value in essential sectors: food, housing, healthcare, warehousing and logistics in Sub-Saharan Africa. BlackIvy’s mission is to scale business platforms while generating sustainable economic impact. BlackIvy believes that it can unlock significant value for stakeholders by integrating food production with world-class, temperature-controlled storage and logistics across Africa. Over the next 12 months, BlackIvy anticipates launching additional operations that will broaden and deepen its food and logistics capabilities.